Letters PageThere is a pile of letters, and the answers aren't getting ...er... any better... Every issue we get more and more letters, so here is a selection from Aarons bulging sack. (eh?- ED) Hi, Aaron. All the prizes have now been dispatched. There was a slight delay caused by something or other, you know, one of those thingies that happens and you can't do anything about.....sort of things. Sorry for the delay, if you haven't got your prize by the time you read this then please feel free to complain to anyone but us. Also note the cunning use of "...any year now". So we have stuck by our cast iron guarantee even if we don't send it for another 18 months. Hiya, Well as they say if the shirt fits. We are pleased you like the Insider articles, the response from readers had been almost universally positive, so more will be coming, indeed this issue has another Insider article waiting for your delectation. It has been suggested that Aarons change to the website, and the addition of the "CD magazine disc you don't have to download" banner, is a dig at Acorn User. I am sure readers know that we would never intentionally do anything to upset TAU Press in any way. Although a quick question, why do you have the CDs delivered to somewhere where you aren't living? Dear Aaron Don't worry, the last CD of RISC World did indeed have Viruses on it, and before everyone panics, burns all the RISC World back issues, throws the computer out the window and converts to Windows, there was a good reason. The last RISC World contained a virus killer called Slayer. This has copies of some viruses hidden in it so it can detect infections in other places. Your computer won't be infected. And now another competition winner... Hi! Well, you see we can deliver some prizes on time, but it seems only if you live in Scotland. We are delighted you like the prize, the issue of box size on PC products has been raised again recently. If you pop into your local PC World you will increasingly see games packaged in small DVD style cases, perhaps they could package "serious" software the same way. Oh and a quick tip, if you are putting lots of files into Mr Clippy, make sure you have your speakers on full volume, and Mr Clippys sound effects turned on. Hi Aaron, This letter produced the following low quality response from Aaron "I have just checked the copy here and it runs fine - you have de-archived it to your hard disk I presume. It will not run directly from the CD." Of course the actual problem was different.... Yes I have into its own directory, I have just tried again and clicked
on !ARWork first and Cineworks now loads to the icon bar, did not think
of that:-(( I think Aaron should have gone back to bed as well after his initial "it works fine here" technical support get out of jail free clause. And now a very sensible request... Gidday Firstly the Fresco print problem may be related to the fact the Fresco seems to handle tables about as well as Pavarotti handles SlimFast. Are you using the same version of Fresco on both occasions? What happens if you go to the RISCWorld website and try printing that? The inlay problem is another issue, in fact due to careful planning and absolute luck we have an answer from another reader. Hi, And you know what folks, the CD inlays are in the Software directory of this very issue, in an archive called Inlays! Well thats it for this bulging letters page, there were so many letters we couldn't print, and most of them were from Andrew Harmsworth!. I am off to have a go at pressing the text tool on Cerilica Vantage on a machine running RISC OS Select, ta ta! Hugh Jampton |