A quick guide to MidiWorks
The Reel Editor
Specifications *
Reel length - 10,000 bars * Unlimited number of patterns * Unlimited
MIDI event capacity * Powerful spreadsheet parameter editor * Zoom
in / out buttons * Multiple MIDI instrument support * Any time
signature can be created or snapped to Track Parameters /
name, enable, solo, master tempo, record switch, midi port, midi channel,
record channel, instrument name, program, track master volume, key
transpose, velocity transpose, velocity scaling, velocity curve,
controller curve, pitch bend scaling, time delay, time
signature. Local Pattern Parameters /
Effects Pattern name, enable, solo, master tempo pattern switch,
record switch, midi port, midi channel record channel, instrument name,
program, pattern relative volume, key transpose, velocity transpose,
velocity scaling, velocity curve, controller curve, pitch bend
scaling. Toolbox Editing Functions
new pattern on track, erase pattern, move pattern, copy pattern, shift
pattern in time, select pattern, select multiple patterns, copy local
effects from one pattern to another, edit pattern effects, open piano roll
editor. Reel Editor Functions Insert track, delete
track; select all patterns, deselect all patterns, delete selection, empty
selection, multicopy selection, join selection, split selection, truncate
selection, save selection; mix tracks, demix track; insert new track;
process score/track (selection); export midi format 0 or 1 file, export
MIDIWorks file, export tempo map. Import
Options Imports midi format 0,1 and 2, with ability to extract
single tracks from midi files and import these into patterns with optional
time scaling. Miscellaneous Functions Open
on-screen midi keyboard, midi play/thru/rec filter, 64-channel midi patch
bay, metronome window; transmit all notes off, transmit system reset; open
song setup window, open large studio clock, open preferences; program
info, score info; auto-tile reel editor/midi editors on
The Transport Window
Stop/Rew/Play/FF/Pause/Record buttons - recording can be started at any
moment * Transport slider - shows play/rec position and allows manual
transport * Play options pop-up button - easy access to common playing
options * Record options pop-up button * Auto options pop-up button
- setup automatic transport, looping etc. * Score play/rec position in
measures (bars), beats and ticks * Real time MTC (SMPTE) time position
in hours, mins, secs and frames * Current tempo indicator bpm shows
tempo while playing/recording * Left marker position display * Right
marker position display * Tool snap adjuster - sets tool snap value for
all editors * Record mode selector overdub / replace * Punch in
record mode - punches in/out at marker positions * Metronome on/off and
pop-up button * Synchronisation window pop-up button
The Piano Roll Editor
Dynamic window layout * Scrollable and resizable piano roll - 10
octaves * Selectable piano roll division method - none / 7 / 12 / black
and white bars * Note on velocity bar attached to note - bars can be
dragged with mouse * Note off velocity bar attached to note *
Vertical rules per note * Set channel view/edit filter * Zoom in /
out buttons - 6% up to 800% zoom * Pop up list editor button - list
editor opens at piano roll editor position * Pop up drum pattern
editor * Pop up note window (see below) * QuickSketch free-hand
graph drawing - very fluid (buffered) graph drawing * Rubber-band line
drawing in graphs * Audio feedback while composing * 8 resizable
graphs: 1)
mode 2)
wheel 3)
wheel 4)
Controller 5)
Program change
map 6)
Volume 7)
map 8)
Meta event map Piano roll editor functions using toolbox
tools Draw new note, drag note velocity bars, erase note, erase
notes enclosed in box, move note, copy note, shift note in time, transpose
note on screen, select note, select multiple notes, play clicked note,
copy velocity information from note to note; draw controller data, erase
controller data, drag & drop pieces of marked controller graphs,
select area of controller data, deselect areas of controller
data. Menu functions Select all notes / select
whole controller graph, clear selection, delete selection, set
velocity. Piano roll editor functions Select all
notes, deselect all notes, delete all notes, process selected notes,
select whole controller graph, deselect controller graph low pass filter
(smooth) controller graphs. Note Toolbox
Select note duration - musical notation * Select note duration - midi
duration * Set note on velocity * Set note off velocity * Set
note shortening - 0 to 100 % create staccato etc * Chord selector -
more than 20 chord types - chords may be placed just like notes * Chord
arpeggio percentage - 0 to 1000 % * Chord note velocity scaling -1000 %
to +1000 % auto chord note velocity interpolation
Event List Editor
Spreadsheet editor with dynamic layout to see only the information you
want to see * View filter - show subset of midi data only * Change
event status and parameters * Recognize common SysEx events - SysEx
manufacturers ID and function recognition * Enter SysEx
events Event list editor functions using toolbox
tools Insert new event, erase event, move event, copy event, select
event, deselect event, play note.
Drum Pattern Editor
Spreadsheet editor with dynamic layout to see only the information you
want to see * Configure up to 128 percussion subtracks - each subtrack
is a different midi note * Multiple drum velocity indicators - colour /
symbol / bar * Easy velocity editing by 'dragging' note with pencil
tool Drum pattern editor functions using toolbox
tools Insert new event, erase event, move event, copy event, select
event, deselect event, drag velocity value, play note.
Special Effects Processing
Tools *
Quantize, MIDI Logic Editor, Time Stretch, Reduce Data, Reverse, Swing
Quantize, Human Feeling Target selection * Primary target
choices: All data, Selected patterns, Selected tracks * Time range:
Ignore, Marked time range, All but marked time * MIDI events: All MIDI
events, Selected events, Non-selected events Using the right
combination and selection of events, an arbitrary selection of events may
easily be processed.
MIDI Keyboard
Play external MIDI devices via mouse or keyboard - 10.5 octave
keyboard * Enter MIDI note data into MIDIWorks * Easy bus / channel
/ transpose selectors * All notes off button
MIDI Filter * Play / Thru / Rec filter sets * Note / poly
press / channel press / pitch wheel and exclude: on/off * Mod /
controller / program change / SysEx and exclude: on/off
MIDI Patch Bay
Play / Thru / Rec patch bay sets * Connect bus-channel to new
bus-channel - 64 connections x 3 * Connect system real time to new bus
- 4 connections x 3 * Reset button
Studio Clock
Large studio display - typically 8 x 1.5 cm on a 15 inch monitor *
SMPTE / Score position selectable
Advanced Import File * Track selector for MIDI file enables
source track to be selected * Pattern selector for MIDIWorks file
enables source pattern to be selected * Drag and drop selected item
into pattern * Time scaling 0 - 1,000,000 %
MIDI Monitor
The VU meters are used to monitor outgoing MIDI information as it is being
Detlef Thielsch