D. Date and Time Format
You may insert the current time and date into Ovation documents very simply using the following keypresses:
- Shift Insert insert time
- Insert insert date
- Shift Ctrl Insert insert time and date
Please note that time and date are inserted as ordinary text strings. They record the time and date registered by the computer's internal clock when they were inserted into the text and they are not updated.
The default formats are:
- time: 8:34pm
- date: 30th October 1990
- time and date: 30th October 1990 8:35pm
The formats are controlled by two system variables called Ovation$TimeFormat and Ovation$DateFormat whose values are set by the Ovation !Run file when Ovation is started. If you would prefer to use a different format, you should load the Ovation !Run file into Edit and customise the lines which read:
Set Ovation$DateFormat %ZDY%ST %MO %CE%YR
Set Ovation$TimeFormat %Z12:%MI%AM
These variables are made up as follows. Each field represents a component of the string to be printed. If a component does not begin with a % character, that component is sent to the string as it stands. In the above examples note the two spaces in the date format and the colon in the time format. You could add commas or dashes to separate components if you prefer.
If a component is prefaced by a % it is a code representing data to be processed from the computer's internal clock and calendar. If a Z follows immediately after the %, leading zeros are suppressed.
The following codes are recognised:
Name Value Example
CS centi-seconds 99
SE seconds 59
MI minutes 05
12 hours in 12-hour format 07
24 hours in 24-hour format 23
AM 'am' or 'pm' am
PM 'am' or 'pm' pm
WE weekday, in full Thursday
W3 weekday, first three letters Thu
WN weekday, as a number 5
DY day of month 01
ST 'st', 'nd', 'rd' or 'th' st
MO month, in full January
M3 month, first three letters Jan
MN month, as a number 01
CE century 19
YR year within century 91
WK week of the year 52