Editor's Corner
Aaron Timbrell's own bit of the magazine.
Well Christmas has come and gone, and I am sitting back in my snug office writing another RISC World editorial, and it seems like only a few weeks ago that I was writing the last one. The best news I have had so far this month (and it is only the 7th today) is that the Wakefield RISC OS Computer Show is on again for 2003, which means brandy and cigars all round! Although some details have yet to be announced the venue is the same, the Thornes Park Athletics Stadium, which still brings to my mind the possible sight of vast numbers of RISC OS users jogging round the track carrying their purchases from the charity stall. This year the show will only be on for one day simply because last year the attendance on Sunday was quite poor. I am sure that the entire RISC OS community applauds the continued efforts of the Wakefield RISC OS User Group in continuing to host the years premier show.
<Cliche editor bit>Anyway back to RISC World. Once again we have pulled all the stops out this issue. While some RISC OS magazines seem to be getting slimmer RISC World keeps getting bigger. I have had to take several articles intended for this issue and move them into the next one. The release of the 32bit C Compiler by Castle has produced an explosion of software updates, some of our favourites are featured in the PD column. Plus we have some great RISC OS games for our readers. Our exclusive commercial application this month is SerialNET, which was always one of my favourite iSV applications. Although having looked at it for the first time in two years I can think of quite a number of improvements that could be made, just don't ask me to do them! I am too busy with other things at present. As always RISC World is still looking for more authors, so if you have something you think others might be interested in don't be shy, put finger to keyboard. In the meantime please enjoy this issue and note that in the event of a crash the exit is Ctrl Break.</Cliche editor bit>
Editors Rant of the month
I must confess that I can find very little RISC OS related to rant about this month. Well actually that isn't true, I could find plenty to rant about, but you will have to wait a little bit longer to find out what. As soon as we are able to bring you the full stories we will. In the mean time I am going to keep schtum. When you see the next RISC World you will know why.
Printing RISC World
The new look of RISC World means that when you want to print an article on your printer it will have the light yellow background. However most web browsers allow you to turn off the background images when printing. The example below shows the print dialogue box from Fresco.
As you can see the option "No Background" is ticked. If you want to print out any of the RISC World pages then make sure you have clicked a similar option in your browser.
Aaron Timbrell