Letters PageIt's gone very quiet...then suddenly...nothing happens Normally I kick off a letters page with last issue's mistakes. Indeed keen readers may remember that last issue I said "Still one day we will have an error free RISC World, it just seems as though that day will be a long time in the future." Well perhaps not that far in the future as we didn't get a single mistake pointed out in the last issue. I have to stress that this doesn't mean that there weren't mistakes, just that no one spotted them! The mail bag this month is very light, perhaps due to the rather nice summer weather we have been having, or perhaps it is due to the new draconian AOL anti spam "features" which "prevent" spam by blocking all e-mails regardless of their content. Still let us see what we do have this issue. Dear Aaron, Yes, well if anyone does want a Rover 114 (It's a Metro - HJ) then contact Andrew, you can get his e-mail address from the bottom of the Education column. As for the English vs the Japanese, remember we design the stuff, bugger it up a treat, then the Japanese go and build it properly and clean up. Mind you then the Chinese and the Koreans come along and build it just as well for half the price and so they clean up. I am just waiting to see what happens when the Russians get their act together, that should be very interesting, Zaporojetz Turbo anyone? And now another regular on the letters page, VirtualAcorn plugging corner.... Dear Editor Well then you are in luck, because VirtualRPC-SE is now available as a stand alone product and is shipping as we speak. For more details don't forget to check out www.virtualacorn.co.uk.<end plug> Hi, It is always nice to welcome more new readers, especially ones that start their letters with compliments! When we have software on the CD it will be the full versions, unless it is specifically marked as a demo. One of the early decisions made when I took over RISC World was that we would carry a full commercial software product on each issue. Why? Well because demos annoy the hell out of me. If I get a bit of software I want to be able to use it fully. So I applied the same critea I use when buying a magazine to editing one. DrawWorks is a full working version and the Merge tool does work, however the usual problem people have with it is either not selecting two objects, or selecting one object consisting of text that has not been converted to a path (later versions of DrawWorks automatically work out when text should be converted to path for for). To check the merge tool draw two over lapping rectangles, select them both and click on merge. We do test all the cover software on a wide range of machines but that does not mean they are going to work on all machines, especially if the machines have not been kept up to date with the latest patches. If you are running a RISC OS 3 or 4 machine then you really should get the latest stuff from RISCOS Ltd. The latest toolbox modules themselves are supplied with this issue. And finally a suggestion for an improvement to one of last issue articles... Hi, The completed heatsink Yes I think you may well be right about this one, I hadn't noticed this, so if are fitting a heatsink fit the fins so they run across the machine and not from front to back. That's it for this issues letters page. Why not write in, go on you know you want to... Aaron Timbrell |