Aaron Timbrell rounds up the software directory
It's ben another busy couple of months since the last issue of RISCWorld (for a number of reasons). I have also run into a slight problem, I have just noticed that I haven't written a DiscWold column, and now I am at the deadline for this issue, so this issues DiscWorld might be a bit short!
So what delights do we have this issue, well first off we are publishing the full commercial version of TypeStudio.
TypeStudio is a complete text manipulation package which can convert outline fonts to draw files, flow text along paths, mould text to shapes and apply special effects. Use it to produce professional quality adverts, posters, banners, logos, letterheads etc. Built-in tools allow lines and curves to be drawn along which text can be flowed to follow any shape. Pairs of lines may be linked to create shapes into which text (and Draw files!) may be moulded. The resulting object can then be scaled, rotated etc. or have a special effect applied to it.
A wide range of effects can be applied to text. Three types of shadow, slanted or mirrored in any direction, 3D, plinth and column. Effects may be combined giving endless possibilities. TypeStudio is intuitive to use, especially to users familiar with Draw. TypeStudio provides line/curve drawing tools, and options to group/ungroup, scale, rotate, and copy objects.
Designs produced on TypeStudio may be exported as Draw files, or they may be saved in TypeStudio format so that paths, moulds and style attributes are maintained for future editing.
TypeStudio currently retails at £9.99, but for RISCWorld readers it's free.
The complete DiscWorld line up
As per usual we have our collections of the latest RISC OS games and applications, as well as support files for this issues articles. So the full DiscWorld line up looks something like this:
Support files for the education column.
All the games from this issues games world column.
All the latest PD, shareware and freeware releases from the PD column.
High resolution photos of the A5 in action.
This contains two sets of Toolbox Modules. The Castle archive contains the latest 26/32 bit neutral system components, required if you want to run a lot of new software releases on 26bit machines (ie. anything that isn't an Iyonix). The RISCOS Ltd archive contains later and improved versions of a number of modules and is suitable for all versions of RISC OS from 3.1 onwards.
The full commercial version of TypeStudio, including all the example files.
Aaron Timbrell
