
RISC World


The latest news to land on the RISCWorld editorial desk...

GCCSDK GCC 3.4.6 Release 3

After 10 months of its previous release, we're happy to announce the 3rd release of GCC 3.4.6 for RISC OS. It is bug fix release based on the feedback we got during that period and this during our development of the next major GCCSDK 4 release. More information on what those fixes are can be found at:

GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) is a free collection of compilers that provide the RISC OS developer with a powerful tool for translating his C, C++ and Fortran source into fast ARM code that is suitable for execution on RISC OS as application or module.

GCC Software Development Kit (GCCSDK) is a portable build environment for creating ARM executables to be run natively on RISC OS. The build environment is designed to be hosted on a Unix-like system, such as GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, MacOS X or even Windows (under Cygwin). GCCSDK releases are tied-in with the corresponding GCC releases.

John Tytgat - On behalf of the GCCSDK Developers

(A full copy of the GCC release can be found in the Software.News section of this issue).

ArtWorks Viewer 2.1

Following the introduction of multi-page ArtWorks documents with the recent ArtWorks 2.7 release, the free ArtWorks Viewer has been updated to take advantage of the new opportunities opened up by this move. AWViewer 2.10 allows users to step through the pages of multi-page documents and its new full screen mode even allows it to be used as a simple presentation package.

In addition, several bugs have been fixed in the included AWRender module, the module used by AWViewer and third-party applications (e.g., Impression, OvationPro, Easi/TechWriter) to display ArtWorks files. Therefore, AWViewer 2.10 is a recommended upgrade for all users, even those working with single page documents only.

The included AWRender module allows all applications that support ArtWorks files to display ArtWorks files with transparency effects on screen. Printing files with transparency requires some extra support from client applications or the operating system. Easi/TechWriter and OvationPro have been upgraded to allow printing with transparency. The new AWRender module included with AWViewer 2.10 takes advantage of a new feature of RISC OS 6 and allows other applications to print with transparency as well. Most notably, it allows Impression to print ArtWorks files with transparency when running under RISC OS 6.

Martin Wuerthner - MW Software

(A full copy of the updated ArtWorks Viewer can be found in Software.News section of this issue).

RISC OS North East User Group News

The next meeting of RONE ("Risc Os North East") will be held at Michael Bell's house at 8 00 pm, on Wednesday 12 September 2007.

Address above, how-to-get-there map can be found at :

The talk will be the one carried over from May, and will be given by Richard Grant: "Writing a commercial application in Wordwise Plus". Richard wrote this application for the Model B/Master. It was a huge amount of work and he is very proud of it. He will discuss how the program evolved and how it works in terms that would apply to any machine. Afterwards there will be light refreshments and the usual small-talk.

Once again, an attender will be asked to step forward and give a talk to the next meeting. If you are coming, please phone or send an e-mail a day or two beforehand to give me an idea of numbers.

Michael Bell - RONE

