
RISC World

The Hugh Jampton Experience

If you read these sub headings, let us know, because we write them, not just for show...

Well the doomsayers were all wrong, yes it's 2008 and the Hugh Jampton column is still going paaarp. Sorry, that should have been still going strong. Do you know, I had a lovely Christmas, we had the wife's mother. I would have preferred turkey, but you can't tell the difference under all the gravy and cranberry sauce. Anyway, that's the obligatory old joke out of the way (and there's plenty of them in RISC OS land), lets catch up with what happened last issue...

The caption competition

Dashing man about town Hugh Jampton published an amusing picture...

...then asked the few RISCWorld readers who hadn't fallen asleep to suggest a jolly caption to accompany it. Well they didn't disappoint. Sorry that was a typo, I meant to say that they did disappoint, but never mind I will publish them anyway:

"Is that job offer still open?"
Richard Ashbery

"Hello Mr Timbrell, we've got some more for you to buy..."
Geoff Potter

Well regretfully there can only be one loser, so congratulations to Geoff Potter (it's a lie - anyway those one's are far too good for me - ED). Geoff wins a luxury laser printed APDL software voucher, hand embossed on 70gsm paper. But wait, as you know the normal prize is £10. But last issue we had a RISCWorld first, a rollover. This means that Geoff actually gets rolled over...sorry, gets an amazing £20 software voucher!

Wow, that's actually quite a good prize, especially when you see the amazing range of sub £20 software titles in the APDL range. (sigh - you would never guess which company published this magazine would you? -ED). APDL will be forwarding you the voucher shortly, but if it doesn't turn up don't forget to keep quiet.

There, wasn't that fun. And talking of fun, we haven't got any, instead here is this issues wonderphoto...

Hugh's Craption Competition

Can anyone please (please..please..for god's sake) come up with a caption for this:

If you need a clue, a well known RISC OS "personality" has been taking flying lessons...

Send your entries, by the wonder of digital communication (and two fingers to you as well -ED) , to Your name could be up in lights on this page in only a couple of months...

So get writing and don't forget the small print...

The APDL voucher small print
The gift vouchers supplied by APDL as part of the RISCWorld competitions can be exchanged for any item up to the voucher value (normally £10) or used towards a purchase of more than £10. The voucher is only for use against ISV Products, APDL and ProAction software titles, further conditions may apply. Competition is only open to current RISCWorld subscribers, contact APDL for full details.

Don't worry, the columns nearly over...all we have left is...

Hugh's photo corner

RISCOS Ltd move to new premises...

...and get the new warning signs put up by the council...

Andrew Lloyd Webber combines Oliver and another well know musical...

Ah, the ideal thing for my dindins...

Finally a hobby for all the family...

If you have any complaints about this column then we have set up a special e-mail address to deal with it,

Hugh Jampton
