RISC OS SouthWest 2008
The RISC OS South West Show...
Over the last few weeks an increasing number of RISC OS users have been asking when the South West show would be taking place. Normally the date of the show is announced before Christmas, but this year there had been no announcement. In past years the show has been organised by John Stonier with help from the Bristol RISC User Group and the Wessex ARM User Group and I think we can all agree that a sterling job was done by all concerned. However John had finally decided that, for various reasons, he was not able to organise a show for 2008. This mean that RISC OS Users in the West Country would not have a show, the nearest event for most people would then have been the South East show in the Autumn. Luckily all was not lost and RISCOS Ltd have stepped in, with John's assistance, and made sure that the show will still go ahead.
The new show
The show will now take place on Saturday the 23rd of February. To make things easier for exhibitors and visitors the venue has also been kept the same, the ever popular Webbington Hotel, near Loxton in Somerset.
The Webbington Hotel
It's also hoped that there will be a show theatre, although at this stage the list of speakers has not been announced but will depend on the exhibitors who attend. At the time of going to press a full list of exhibitors wasn't available, although RISCOS Ltd, R-Comp, CJE Micros and APDL had all confirmed that they would be attending. There will also be free wireless internet access available for everyone attending.
The show will open at 10:00 in the morning and close at 4:00. Unlike previous years where an admittance charge has applied, this year the show will be free for all visitors. This is very good news, so if you are attending you will have even more money to spend on RISC OS goodies. Regretfully there will not be a mini bus available this year, so if you are travelling by public transport make sure you have a way of getting directly to the hotel from Western Super Mare Station as it's not on a main route.
Getting there
For those wishing to come by car (which is what I would recommend) use the following map:
RISCWorld will be present in the form of Dave Holden on the APDL stand, so we look forward to seeing you there.
RISC World