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Final comments

I am grateful to those who have already offered ideas for improvements and reported bugs.
Please - please! - continue to comment to

Thanks are due to Jacques Haubrich for providing the CalMoon font to meet my wishes - and also for the Dutch language information.
Thankyou also to John Rickman for the Spanish language
is the source of the moon phase data, for which I am very grateful.
A special thankyou is due to Bryan Clarke who bravely ‘proof read’ the previous version of the Manual and sent me the corrections - which I carefully incorporated before amending it to produce the current version (and no doubt introduced new errors!).

I would welcome receiving users’ own designs - either as candidates for including with !Calibre’s distribution or just for my interest. (I would also welcome printed versions, with a view to using them at Shows as examples of what can be achieved.)
I would also welcome hearing of users’ experience of using !Calibre with A3 printers and PostScript printers.

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