
RISC World

Show News

All the latest news on forthcoming shows...

RISC OS South East - 18th October 2008

By the time this issue arrives on your doormat it will only be a few weeks before the RISC OS South East Show. As usual the show will be taking place at Guildford College in Surrey, and is organised by the Surrey and Sussex Acorn User Group.

The show takes place on the 18th of October, tickets are only available on the door and cost £5 for adults with the show opening at 10 in the morning and closing at 4pm. All of the stands are now booked with the usual collection of RISC OS based companies in attendance (except for VirtualAcorn who can't make it - ED). The South East show is the only show to still feature a lecture theatre, although at the time of going to press the list of talks had not been confirmed. A range of drinks and sandwiches will be available for visitors, assuming the exhibitors haven't eaten or drunk the lot before the show even opens.

The show website is regularly updated and will have the latest pre-show information for both exhibitors and customers.

Arm Club Christmas Show - 6th December 2008

We previewed this show in detail in the previous issue, but we thought it would be worth reminding everyone. The show takes place at the University of Birmingham Guild, Edgbaston Park Road, Birmingham, B15 2TU on Saturday the 6th of December. It opens at 10:30 am and shuts at 4:00 pm. Tickets are only available on the door and cost £3.50 for adults. Arm Club and MUG members can get in for only £3.00. Children under 12 will admitted free.

The latest information can be obtained from the show website at

Wakefield Show - 25th April 2009

Despite the muttering on some of the RISC OS Newsgroups, the Wakefield RISC OS Computer Club have confirmed that the Wakefield 2009 show will be going ahead as normal. The important details have been confirmed to potential exhibitors and the show will take place on Saturday the 25th of April 2009. The venue will be the same as last year, and indeed the same as the very first show, the Cedar Court Hotel. This is conveniently located just off junction 39 of the M1 at Wakefield.

At this stage there isn't much more information available, but you can expect most details to be similar to the 2008 show, with a broad range of RISC OS dealers and developers in attendance. Once we have more information we will be including it in a forthcoming issue. In the mean time you can pencil the date in your diary and keep an eye on the official Wakefield Show website for the latest news.


Foundation RISCWorld should be present at all the above shows, either on the VirtualAcorn, or the APDL stand. If you haven't visited a RISC OS show for a few years then we think you should try and attend one (or preferably all - ED) of them. All of the shows have a friendly club atmosphere and you can be sure of picking up a bargain or two.

Foundation RISCWorld
