The Hugh Jampton Experience
Not a pretty article, but Foundation RISCWorld will buy this cheap crap... Hello, good evening and welcome, well that's what David Frost used to say and he's done alright for himself, so it must work. I have to apologise for this column (you should be apologising for all of them -ED) but owing to the fact that I'm writing it at the last minute the usual high quality might drop a little (or a lot -ED). So why am I writing this at the last minute? Was there some important news story that might break at any moment, were there work commitments that prevented me from completing this latest magnum opus? Perhaps I was getting an increased budget? Nah, I just couldn't be bothered. But since I've has several e-mails chasing me up and I could do with the fifty quid that I get paid for writing this nonsense I decided that, in the interests of international finance I would go through the motions, and when I had finished knock up an article. So lets start with our much maligned and generally unpopular caption competition... The caption competitionIn the last issue I published this: Then, as per usual, I asked the members of The RISC OS Retirement Home for the Terminally Short of Patience (Prop D.Symes) to come up with a suitably amusing caption. Well we had the usually underwhelming response. This does of course have one advantage, the fewer the number of entries the easier it is to pick a winner. So firstly lets have a look at the contenders...
William McNee As you would imagine the judges needed extra time to carefully examine the entry before taking a vote for the winner. The voting was close, but William McNee scored a narrow victory over keeping the prize to ourselves. So William wins a specially design and printed, using a re-filled toner cartridge, luxury 80gsm APDL software voucher luxuriously printed on Viking economy copier paper. The voucher will be posted via 2nd class post using APDL's special "not enough stamps" policy. This ensures that only the winner receives the voucher, as William will have to go to the Post Office and pay the excess postage in order to receive the envelope. APDL have discovered that this method is cheaper than recorded delivery. So can it possible to get an even bigger response with this, it should be plane sailing.... Send me your entries by the 14th of March and don't forget to read the following naughty small print... The Small Print: The Foundation RISCWorld caption competition is open to all Foundation RISCWorld subscribers. The prize for each issue is a £10 software voucher. This voucher be used to purchase any product, from the APDL, ProAction or iSV Products software ranges, up to a value of £10. or can be used as part payment towards an item of greater Hughes letters cornerIn order to make my job of filing up this column easier Robin Barnard wrote half of it for me... again...
Hi Hugh, Thanks for that, you've written well over half my article, and even better I get paid for it and you don't! To complete your secret initiation simply run into a lamppost 50 times shouting "Where's my copy of Qercus". There haven't been any more "Hugh's customer service awards" simply because nobody has written in with any suggestions. I can't say I am surprised, look at the trouble I have even getting people to send in a one line caption. I think your comments about on-line ordering are a little unfair. Most RISC OS companies make ordering as difficult as possible deliberately. My making the process awkward and long winded they deliberately filter out those that might have made an impulse purchase and ensure that their products are only purchased by dedicated nutters, sorry, dedicated RISC OS enthusiasts. In particular the APDL software voucher should be consider to be, in the main, decorative, rather than functional. As it stands APDL get the benefit of being generous , by giving away a £10 voucher, without actually having to honour it. That's sound commercial thinking, ask any mobile phone seller. Anyway before I say anything else I shouldn't lets get the pictures out of the way then I have my fifty quid. Hugh's photo cornerNew EEC legislation sees more accuracy in washing labels... If I lived her I would have to name my house "The Plug"... You can insert your own Mrs Slocombe joke here... Quantum Physics in action... Now we know where Butt Hole Road is... Mail order bride service investigated by trading standards... All complaints about the Hugh Jampton column should be sent to someone else ta ta... |