Welcome to the Foundation RISCWorld Archive.This website contains a complete archive of volumes one to nine of RISCWorld magazine. That's over 1000 articles of interest to RISC OS users and all of them are free. Foundation RISCWorld was a bi-monthly CD based magazine for all users of RISC OS either on Acorn or other RISC OS computers. It was published between 2000 and 2009 by APDL a company with over 20 years experience in the RISC OS market. RISCWorld, and latterly Foundation RISCWorld, was produced by a team of writers, lead by Aaron Timbrell, who in total had over 100 man years experience of Acorn computers and RISC OS. You can get more information about the history of the magazine by clicking on the About link on the left of this page. Using this websiteEveryone is welcome to browse through this site and to read and enjoy the articles. The Issues Index button on the left will take you to an index page that lists each issue of each volume. Simply click on an issue number to open it. Each volume of RISCWorld will open in a separate window. This allows you to keep different articles from different volumes on screen at the same time. The Article Index button will open a list of each article from each issue in volumes 1 to 8. The Free Apps button will take you to a page that has download links for a number of applications which can be freely downloaded. Please note that all the articles reproduced on this site are copyright and may not be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the copyright holder. You may link to an individual article from your own site on the condition that any such link opens in a new window. About RISC OSRISC OS is the British operating system originally developed by Acorn Computers Ltd for their range of 32bit desktop computers. In 1999 development of RISC OS was taken over by RISCOS.com. Over the past decade there have been a number of "Acorn compatible" machines launched from a range of different suppliers. These include the Iyonix from Castle Technology and the A9 from Advantage Six. In addition it's now possible to run RISC OS on both Windows and Mac OS X using the VirtualAcorn range of products. What's on this siteOn this website you can find a complete index of the contents of all nine volumes of RISCWorld. To navigate round the site please use the links located on the left hand side of each page.