DTP for beginners
Or How to Communicate a Simple Message on the Prevention of Alzheimer's with Nobilangelo Ceramalus
Once upon a time, long, long ago, the Apple world invented desktop
publishing, saw its promulgation as part of the sacred Apple missionary
drive, and stuck religiously to the term. But if you were a journalist
hard-pressed for space, had no love for Apple, and possessed only two
typing fingers to drive your beloved BBC B+, having to key 17 characters
again and again in a longish article made you yearn for an abbreviation.
You looked at the existing contraction of `word-processing' into WP, and
`DTP' was born. Your Apple-fanatic colleagues wailed about the loss of
part of their religion, but you ignored that and revelled in your small
dash for freedom.
That was 1987, so long ago that it seems lost in Noah-like mists, but
since I had never seen the abbreviation `DTP' anywhere in the computer
media when I started using it in Computerworld NZ that year, I can lay
some claim to being the first.
Which is one way of introducing an article on the basics of the desktop-
publishing craft. Another would be to say that it does not matter a hoot
whether your publishing effort is done with wooden type or a high-powered
RISC OS computer, those on the receiving end are still people, with eyes
and minds, so the basics are the same. Details differ, because you start
with a power-plug, not a chisel and a lump of wood, but the aim is still
to communicate. You must, therefore, be constantly aware of the reader.
Fail in that and your DTP will fail.
If you are still reading, I have succeeded (so far) in communicating
with you. The acid test is whether we both arrive at the last paragraph.
The double-acid test is whether you will be glad you spent the time it
took to get there, because you learnt something, and learnt it in a
pleasing way.
DTP starts with one of the most worrying things in the world: a blank. A
blank sheet of paper or a blank screen or a blank CD-ROM. A blank medium.
The human mind reacts to it in much the same way it does to the cold stare
of a poisonous snake--it goes blank.
All the wonderful ideas that you imagined would come, or that were
dancing round your cot when you woke briefly at midnight, can freeze into
immobile silence when that blank thing stares at you. Especially if you
are unused to expressing yourself in writing, graphics and layout.
A simple way of getting past the blank is to take the simple approach.
For example, imagine yourself having a conversation with someone about the
subject of the task in front of you.
Say you wanted to design a simple A5 leaflet to tell people what they
can do to avoid getting Alzheimer's Disease, using the latest in
scientific findings (which are what will be used in this article). So
imagine yourself telling someone about them, ticking them off on your
fingers as you go. Then imagine yourself arranging your thoughts before
you start, so that the digital ticking off starts with the most important
and ends with the least important. Now you have started creating a basic
You have also got yourself poised to enter the second level of the DTP
task. The great American inventor, Thomas Alva Edison, said invention is,
`One percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration', and that is
true of all creative tasks. DTP, for instance.
You have done the first of the basics: chosen, and outlined, what you
want to communicate. Now you have to decide /how/. That is where there
must be a lot of perspiration coupled with your inspiration--a lot of
trial-and-error, a lot experimentation and fiddling about with the detail
of text and layout and graphical elements. You want to grab attention, and
you want your work to look good, but in a way that works for the message
and the reader: you want to get the message across. You want to speak in
such a way that the hearer will want to listen, will listen, and will
enjoy listening.
So you need a good headline and a good first paragraph. The first
paragraph should tell, in summary, the entire story. The headline grows
out of that paragraph, and leads into it, and the story spreads out from
it. That is the writing bit, the textual bit, in a nutshell. The next bit,
the visual, exists to make the textual more compelling. Both must work
together, or one will weaken the other.
What can you say about Alzheimer's that will grab attention? All of us,
somewhere in our innermost being, especially if we have had personal
experience of the disease in someone close, fear it, wonder if we will go
down with it, and wonder if there is anything we can do to help prevent
it. So if we begin with that thought we will be saying something that
everyone will want to hear and listen to.
If you are wondering why on earth I picked this dread subject as a
vehicle for an article on DTP, ask yourself, `Do I want to keep reading to
find out what I can to do to help avoid my becoming an Alzheimer's
victim?' If the answer is `Yes, then I have chosen a subject likely to see
both writer and reader arrive at the last paragraph. That proves a basic
point: if there is something worth communicating, half the task is done.
The other half lies in communicating it well. The rest of this article is
about that other half.
Those of you with pernickety minds may, either here or earlier, have
protested: `Your first paragraph breaks the rule you gave about first
paragraphs. It has nothing to do with the story, so it cannot possibly sum
it up.' True, but that sometimes works. And everyone likes a story that
begins `Once upon a time...' That kind of beginning is what A A Milne
called an `Ahhhhmmmm', a kind throat-clearing beginning that says, `Now
here we all are.' It is how he began Winnie-the-Pooh, which you have to
admit has had a modicum of success in the world.
I also cheated, because the sub-heading /does/ tell the story, it sums
it up before the first paragraph could draw breath.
But a short A5 leaflet does not have the luxury of throat-clearing. It
has to leap straight in. So leap. Shall it be the leap-negative, as in
`ARE YOU AFRAID OF GETTING ALZHEIMER'S?', or some such? Or shall it be the
leap-positive, along the lines of `HOW TO KEEP ALZHEIMER'S AWAY.'? Most
people, reading those two, would prefer the second. We all prefer a happy
But `HOW TO KEEP ALZHEIMER'S AWAY' is weak. It is too wordy, it does not
have a sharp rhythm, and its brand of positive is uncomfortably like a
close encounter of the officialese kind. We do not want to sound like a
government department; we want something that carries a positive message,
but is short and punchy.
Perhaps we should write the first paragraph first, since the headline
must rise from it, and see what happens.
`Modern science does not yet know what causes Alzheimer's, or how to
cure it, but it has learnt something about prevention--so now you can make
it less likely that your brain turns slowly into a mess of sticky plaque
and tangled fibres, first killing your personality, then killing you.'
That is short, accurate, and written in such an energetic way that no
one sentient would fail to read to the end of it, or want to devour the
rest of the piece. Did it get your attention, and make you want more? If
so, it did its job. That is what a first paragraph should do.
Of course, it looks easy here. You did not see the polishing process
that made the paragraph what it is now. But the first version was not too
different. Polishing just gave it better balance and made it tighter and
more compelling.
So we need a lead into that. Hmmm. The brain goes blank. Could this be
Alzheimer's? No, just writer's block--the stare of the snake. Alzheimer's,
as the leaflet will point out, is not about forgetting the keys to your
door. It is about forgetting what keys are for. It is not about sitting
wondering what on earth you are going to have as a headline; it is about
wondering what the sheet of paper is for, who you are, what those, ummm,
white, moving things outside the window are (seagulls).
This going off at a tangent is a trick, of course, to give the
subconscious a chance to work on that headline without interference from
the snake-frozen conscious. It is the short version of sleeping on it. If
it fails, then sleep on it (and keep a pad and pencil by the bed just in
case). Those indefatigable scientists have proved that that works. Going
for a walk is another good way of killing the snake.
Yay! The brain has worked: `HELP YOURSELF BEAT ALZHEIMER'S', with the
sub-heading, `Shift The Balance of Probabilities In Your Favour' or
`Simple Things That Help Keep That Dread Disease Out Of Your Brain.'
Let' check what we have so far, by putting all that together and reading
it over. Reading it is essential. Any writer who does not will fail as a
writer. And by reading it, I mean aloud, because you miss things when you
read your own words in your head.
Shift The Balance of Probabilities In Your Favour
Modern science does not yet know what causes Alzheimer's, or how to
cure it, but it has learnt something about prevention--so now you can make
it less likely that your brain turns slowly into to a mess of sticky
plaque and tangled fibres, first killing your personality then killing
you. Even if you are, statistically, on the hit-list for this dread
disease, making these simple changes to life will help ward it off.
The shorter, punchier sub-heading was used, partly because it was
shorter and punchier, but also because the longer one contained ideas and
words that were also in the heading and the first paragraph, and that
reduced their power. But the reject did contain a powerful phrase that it
would be a pity to lose, so we used it as the foundation of a second
sentence. Later, perhaps, it will move and become the basis of the final
Now let's start thinking about putting that in a graphical way. We need
an eye-catching image on which to centre the leaflet. The obvious one is a
brain. A grey, diseased brain. Perhaps a healthy brain too? Yes--we do not
want all doom and gloom. This production is to be upbeat. It is also to be
about the contrast between those who ignore the advice and those who take
it. So we want a simple image that weighs the two sides in the balance and
favours the wise. Someone holding a pair of scales is an obvious thought.
That will also key into the `balance' in the sub-heading.
So how about a graphic that divides two columns, a graphic of someone
holding scales that contain two brains, one a healthy colour, the other
grey and diseased? The diseased one is on the lower side. The text will
flow round the graphic. To make the graphic compelling, the person holding
the scales will be staring straight at us with a challenging look.
(You will have to imagine all that--the budget does not allow the hiring
of the star-studded lights-camera-action brigade, so we will make do here
with a simple representation--unless an image can be found somewhere on
the Internet that will do the job. The Net is always a good place to look
for images that you can use for mockups, or as inspiration.)
Now we have a compelling headline, a positive sub-heading, a succinct,
forward-driving first paragraph, and a dominant, powerful graphic. Just
one dominant, powerful graphic. Avoid clutter. This is an A5, remember.
But even if it were A0, the principle remains the same: KISS KID. Keep It
Simple Stupid, Keep It Direct (Figure 1). Concentrate on presenting one
thing with one idea. Strip away anything that distracts.
Keep It Simple Stupid, Keep It Direct--a dictum to be burned
deep into your chromium, or scull, and never forgotten. You can also burn
it into your cranium and skull, but that is less interesting.
There is always a temptation to treat every idea that floats through
your mind as sacred, especially if you do very little writing, design, and
layout. But be ruthless. Throw out the clutter. If you cannot bear to part
with it, record it in a notes file somewhere. But do not let it near the
task in hand.
If you are wondering why I bothered to make a figure of the words in
Figure 1, when they are put forcefully enough in the text, ask yourself,
both now and in a few days' time, which you remember most strongly: the
textual or the graphical version. A big black-and-red 200-point
declaration, with a few dramatic effects splashed about, gets far deeper
into the grey stuff than a whispering string of 12-point text.
We have obviously got well past the stare of the snake, and have again
proved what one of our great English writers once said (Thackeray?
Trollope?): `A man does not know what is in him till he sits down to
write.' In other words, to get going, get going. Begin. Only then you will
find out what is in you. The same is true of every aspect of DTP: writing,
design, layout.
To continue with the Alzheimer's leaflet...
We shall organise the rest of the text in easily-digestible bits, each
picked out with a cross-heading. That will make it easy for readers to
zero in on individual facts, it will break up what would otherwise be a
big clump of grey stuff, and it will give us the opportunity to scatter
some small, subsidiary graphics about (subsidiary to the main one, thus
keeping the strengthening unity of the work). It will also make the whole
thing look better. What you want to say is far more likely to be read if
it looks inviting (it must also, of course, live up its visual promise,
and /be/ inviting).
Science now knows that a brain-damage and strokes make Alzheimer's more
likely, so it is good advice to say: `PROTECT YOUR HEAD--PROTECT YOUR
BRAIN. Protect it from the outside: wear protective headgear when biking
or working in hazardous places. Protect it from the inside: keep your
blood-pressure down, get plenty of exercise, don't smoke.'
That takes care of the first chunk on the leaflet.
Science also knows that the well-used brain is less likely to
disintegrate into A-mush, so we can use that as a cross-heading: `USE YOUR
BRAIN. An exercised brain is less likely to turn to mush: use it or lose
it. Schooling is known to postpone problems with memory and orientation,
so don't leave school early, and keep learning all your life. Keep
learning new skills and enlarging old ones. In particular, continually
stretch and grow your linguistic skills. Take an interest in language,
concentrate on how you use it, develop your writing and speaking skills,
play Scrabble, do crossword puzzles. Mental gymnastics are good for your
brain. Education is thought to help your brain build up the number of
connections between neurons, thus forming a cushion against decline and
Chunk two done. Note that the text always says `/your/ brain', not
`/the/ brain', to keep the text immediate and direct. That will make the
message get through, it adheres to the KID of KISS KID, and it chimes in
with the direct look of the graphic. It is also something that I did not
notice till I was polishing, and realised that all the occurrences of `the
brain' were too impersonal. We are talking to readers not machines.
You are what you eat, and it is now known that the right diet helps
prevent Alzheimer's. Therefore: `EAT BRAINY. A strong link has been found
between folic acid and the health of the brain. So eat plenty of folic-
rich foods: breads, cereals, and leafy green vegetables. If necessary, add
vitamin tablets that contain folic acid. At least 400mg a day is
recommended. And good levels of antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E,
although not found to be specifically helpful against Alzheimer's, are
generally good for the body--they protect against cancer and other
diseases--so make sure you are getting recommended levels in your diet.'
Chunk three done.
Keeping close social contacts also helps keep mental decline at bay. So:
`KEEP IN TOUCH. Studies have shown that when old people keep close to
others--family, friend, or community groups--they take longer to show the
symptoms of Alzheimer's than those who spend their days alone.'
Chunk four. So now we can put it all together, and begin to work on the
layout. But we have run out of space, so that will have to wait for the
next article in this short series.
The key in what we have done so far is to keep the information
informative, but brief, so that we can have a graphically strong layout
that will not be overwhelmed by a lot of text.
At this point, I more often than not rough out the design out on a piece
of paper, just to get some idea of the layout, the balance, the content.
It is much quicker than making notes on a machine, even if only because
you do not need to boot your brain, pencil, and paper before they are up
and running. And they can be used anywhere--such as on the aforesaid walk.
In this case, I used the thirty-five minutes that it takes to travel to
the New Zealand mainland by the big, fast catamaran-ferry from the island
where I live. Figure 2 shows the result--or a scan of it, tidied up a bit
so that you can see through the clutter to some semblance of order. As you
can see, I also scribble a few notes to myself about details of the
graphics--such as `gold' and `grey' for the opposing pans of the pair of
A scan of the sketch made on the ferry, with some crossings-out
removed for clarity.
Between now and the next issue of RiscWorld you might like to work up
your own idea, or your own version of the one planned here, and compare it
with what will be shown in Part II.
Nobilangelo Ceramalus