
RISC World

The RISC World competition page

Within our new competition page, you have the chance to win big prizes every time!

Well Aaron suggested giving away his VW Camper, but rather than give away something that old, useless and knackered you can actually win something worth having.

Win a copy of Studio 24 Pro worth £49

Studio 24 Pro is one of the most respected bitmap graphics packages for RISC OS with a features list that puts many other packages to shame, for example:

  • Work in RGB, CMYK or indexed colour modes
  • Uses fast virtual memory ensuring quickest operation possible with any amount of RAM
  • Selection of 40 brushes, new brushes can be loaded
  • Wide selection of tools including Magnify, Airbrush, Undo brush, Clone brush, FX brush, Wash brush, Smudge brush, Shift tool, Colour picker, Magic wand, Radial fill, Linear fill, Flood Fill, Cut & Paste, Text, Draw tool, Scan tool
  • All operation work with mask and any mixture of channels
  • Massive selection of filters
  • Gridlock
  • Easy to use toolbox with pop down tool bar for extra options
  • Undo - can also use with brush
  • Graphics tablet support - change brush size or opacity using pressure
  • TWAIN support

So to win this great package you have to enter our competition and it's a rather more difficult one this time. A well know RISC OS company has recently updated their web site and included a mission statement as follows:

Our mission statement is to increasing sales and enhancing marketing and PR activity through publishing of brochures, magazines and catalogues. To provide viable media products that educate and entertain readers.

So the question is simple, who does this mission statement belong to, and can you mark as many grammatical errors as possible? To help you out the answer is actually in this article, if you can find it. If you can't then read the mission statement carefully, perhaps there is a clue in there?

We will choose the two entries that in the editors opinion have the correct answer and the most number of corrections.

Win a copy of DrawWorks Third Millennium (full version)

Yes you can win the latest version of DrawWorks, and not just the upgrade version either. This is the latest copy of DrawWorks Third Millennium on CD, with fonts, clip art and lots more.

In case the first competition was too difficult here is an easier one, what is the maximum allowable end float on an air cooled Volkswagen crankshaft, no sorry, that's not right, must be thinking of Aarons Camper again (he he he) (you just wait - Aaron). Lets try again.

What was the price of a BUSH RISC OS Set Top Box (original rrp over £100) in Asda at the end of August 2001?

A - £29.98
B - £39.98
C - £49.98
D - £59.98

The first two correct answers out of the hat will win. Answers to the editor. As usual the winners will be announced next issue.

Last issues Winners

Well the response to the competition page is certainly hotting up. Indeed we had a lot of response to the last issue, so with just a small fanfare we will announce the winners!

Print Artist: Masterclips 20,000 - winners

A large number of you spotted that GIF stands for Graphics Interchange Format, but the winners are....

Alan Shooter
William McNee
Kevin Wells

So well done, go to the top of the class, and then jump off. We will be sending out copies of Print Artist Masterclips as soon as possible.

Personal Accounts - Winners

You may remember that we asked you to complete the following phrase.

I need a copy of Personal Accounts because....

And the winning slogans are......

I need a copy of Personal Accounts because.... then my own fiscal RISC World would be properly armed!
Andrew Harmsworth

I need a copy of Personal Accounts because.... my accounts are in a mess!
Victor Markwart

Victor's answer is actually my favourite, I mean what other reason could there be for wanting an accounts package? Copies of Personal Accounts will be landing on your doorsteps any year now. See you next time!

RULES: Staff of RISC World, ProAction Software, Tau Press, and anybody else involved with this promotion may not enter. The editor's decision is final, and no correspondence will be entered into. There is no cash alternative to any of the prizes on offer. If you wish to enter both competitions, send separate e-mails for each. Winners names will be published within the editorial of the next issue. The closing date is 21st October 2001 - all entries arriving after that date will be used for a mailing list selling double glazing.

Hugh Jampton
