PD World
Paul Brett with the latest PD roundup.
The summer is usually a quiet period when it comes to software releases, and this year there has even been some sun to temp programmers away from their keyboards. So it comes as a pleasant surprise to find so much in the way of updates and new releases to temp the RISC OS user. This month we will be leaving games in the capable hands of David Bradforth and will instead be concentrating on more serious software.
ARM Development Kit - eQ R+D
This was included in the PD column after a request on the letters page and is a first for this column, software that doesn't run under RISC OS. Instead this suite runs under Windows. It allows you to develop C/C++ or Assembler code for RISC OS on a Windows machine. This offers the programmer a professional development environment that you might well expect to have to pay a good deal of money for. Even better it's published under the GNU/GPL and BSD licenses. An essential tool for those with both RISC OS and Windows machines.
The ARM Development kit in actionThe version on the CD includes the GCC SDK sources and the VIDE sources (V Integrated Development Environment by Bruce Wampler), saving you a download of almost 26Mb. Remember that this software is for use under Windows and not RISC OS.
BookMaker is a hotlist management tool, which in simple terms means that it allows you to keep a hot list of web
site addresses for use with your web browser. BookMaker works with all main browsers, but you will need to set it up using the supplied !BMConfig program before use.
BookmakerEnBank - EnVision Software
EnBank is a new contender in the home accounts software market. It requires RISC OS V3.5, or later and supports (as an optional extra) multiple -currencies. !EnBank's Base features include Bank Statement Verification, Standing Orders, Cheque book reconciliation, Storing of free format data against postings and the ability to open as many Transaction Views across one or more accounts as required. You will need to purchase a license from the authors to add further features to this interesting accounts package.
EnBankEnigma - Paul Reuvers
The Enigma is probably one of the best known devices for message encryption and decryption that was used by the Germans during WWII. This program provides a realistic simulation of the various Enigma models that were used both commercially and by the Military Service. The Enigma is an electro-mechanical device that 'translates' any letter from the keyboard into another one by turning on a lamp on the lamp panel. The translation process is carried out by a series of wheels (Waltze) that are moved with each key press. Now you can have your own enigma machine at home, after all buying a real one might prove to be somewhat expensive.
EnigmaSimpWeb - Graeme Wall
SimpWeb is a SIMPle WEB utility to convert a text file into HTML format suitable for inserting into a webpage. It was written as an exercise in using the DrWimp library. It will take a text
file and insert paragraph breaks. Optionally it will add simple headers and footers, insert a heading, and set the text size. SimpWeb is designed to be used as a plug-in to Rich
Goodwin`s HTML3.
SimpWebWebGen - D.E. Stratford
This application is designed to take a directory of TIFF or JPEG images and create a web
site from them. There are a number of ways this can be done, for example as a single page of thumbnails, a page with thumbnails that link to the full size images, or the full version which uses JavaScript to display full size pictures next to the thumbnails as the user requires.
WebGenEnd piece
That's all we have time for this issue, as usual if you have any PD, Freeware or Shareware applications you would like featured why not get in touch with the editor. See you next issue.
Paul Brett