
RISC World


Aaron Timbrell rounds up the software directory

As you will no doubt have noticed with the last couple of issues we have given away full versions of RISC OS games. Firstly the new version of Starfighter 3000 and in the last issue a copy of Wolfenstein 3D. So this time we decided that we wanted to change tack a little a go with a 'proper' RISC OS desktop application. We wanted something that was both 'serious' and, of course, 'seriously good'...

Chartwell rrp £10.00

ChartWell is a superb graphs and charts package; the most comprehensive and powerful program of its kind for RISC OS computers.


It offers a comprehensive range of graph types, including horizontal and vertical bar charts, line graphs, pie charts, scatter graphs and polar plots, each with a wide range of sub-options. Polar graphs can even be produced from mathematical functions as well as sets of user-supplied data. Each graph type features a wide variety of display options, including a choice of 2D or 3D plotting for bar and pie charts; pie chart viewing angle; several presentation methods for bar charts; error bar options on scatter graphs; and many others.

The user has a great deal of control over the output chart's features, such as choice of colour for data sets, shapes for data points, spacing options, title and labelling options, key legends, shading and graduated backgrounds, and numerous other options. Altogether, ChartWell is an extremely flexible and powerful package, whilst also being very easy to use. Plus all the graphs and charts are saved in Drawfile format which can be used in a host of other applications.

Included with this copy of Foundation RISCWorld is version 1.19 of ChartWell, which includes the following enhancements over the earlier versions:

  • The user interface has been completely overhauled to conform with the RISC OS Style Guide.
  • The layouts of the various windows have also been made considerably neater.
  • 'Show values' and 'Show ticks' options have been added in the 'General options' window.
  • High-resolution application sprites are now supplied.
  • Several minor bugs have been identified and corrected.

The complete second edition of the manual is included in this issue.

The complete DiscWorld line up

As per usual we have our collections of the latest RISC OS applications, as well as support files for this issues articles:


Support materials for the 'RISC OS Time Machine' review of the A540.


The complete graphing and charting solution for RISC OS.


Software featured in the Iyonix column.


Software covered in the letters column.


All the latest PD, shareware and freeware releases from the PD column.


Sample video showing some of the features of RISC OS Six.


Collection of RISC OS components in binary form from RISCOS Open Ltd.


This contains two sets of Toolbox Modules. The Castle archive contains the latest 26/32 bit neutral system components, required if you want to run a lot of new software releases on 26bit machines. The RISCOS Ltd archive contains later and improved versions of a number of modules and is suitable for all versions of RISC OS from 3.1 onwards. We have also included copies of SharedUnixLib and UnixHome as these are needed by some programs.


Posters and flyers for the Arm Club Christmas Show

Aaron Timbrell
