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The Toolpane

This pane mainly controls which calendar and format is loaded and displayed and which year/month/week it is showing. It also gives access to the other main operations.

Picture Pics/pic004.png

Loading a different calendar file

As already introduced, the default calendar for any format can be loaded at any time using the Format radio icons. On any calendar loading, if the configured paper size of the printer driver is smaller than the overall calendar size the calendar may not display in its correct position and a warning will appear telling you this, so that the printer driver can be changed (no need to quit the application to do this).
The top (writable) icon shows the name of the currently loaded calendar, as contained in its file. (This is not the file leafname.) When preparing a new calendar the writable icon is used to give the calendar a new name, if required, prior to saving it.
If the user has already saved custom calendar files in the UserRes.Calendars folder, a list of them (showing both leafname and calendar name) will be available by pressing <select> over the menu icon to the right of the writable icon. Selecting from this menu will load the file directly.
Whenever an attempt is made to load a new calendar file (or to quit the application) when there is an ‘unsaved data’ asterisk showing, a warning will appear giving the opportunity to cancel the loading.
When a different calendar file is actually loaded - whether by using the format-changing radio icons or by using the calendar file menu - any currently displayed pictures will disappear.
Introduced in Version 3.00, on the loading/re-loading of any calendar file (which has been saved with Version 3.00 or higher) there will be a font check made to ensure that all fonts required by the design are currently available on the user’s computer. This check takes place even on start-up. See Section 'Font checking' later.
Displaying pictures

Below the calendar name are a group of icons showing which picture areas are activated in the particular design, and whether or not they have a picture loaded, and how the pictures will be scaled to fit the areas.
The three option icons Keep AR determine, respectively, whether a picture is scaled to fit the area fully or scaled whilst keeping its original aspect ratio (width/height ratio). The Show pics option simply turns the display of any loaded pictures on/off.
Dragging a drawfile or a JPEG file to one of the displayed picture areas or to one of the (enabled) Pale Yellow icons labelled Pic 1, Pic 2 or Pic 3 icons will cause that file to be loaded and displayed immediately in the corresponding picture area. This action will change the text and outline of the corresponding Pale Yellow icon to Red - to show that a picture is loaded.
Alternatively, pressing <menu> over an enabled Pale Yellow icon will show a list of any picture files saved in the corresponding sub-directory of the UserRes.Pics directory - from which they can be loaded by menu selection if required. These menus also allow the pictures to be ‘unloaded’ and thus cleared from the display (not deleting the file).
Display scale

Below these is the control for the display scale (which is repeated, for convenience, in the ‘Edit calendar design’ window - either can be used). The nudgers can be used for fine adjustments, whereas pressing <select> over the main icon will bring up a menu of preset scales which can be selected in the usual way. There are arbitrary limits on the available range of the display scale: it is 10-400%.
Changing the displayed year/month/week

Below this is the set of controls altering the shown year/month/week on the displayed calendar. On start-up the calendar will always show the current year/month/week, but after that the loading of a new calendar will show whatever year/month was previously set - although the week value may change (see below).
A Today button is provided to return the display to the current date quickly.
The year/month/week controls are progressive e.g. increasing the month from December will change it to January and the year will increment correspondingly. In Format 6 the equivalent action occurs from one month/year to another as the weeks are changed.
The only small point to note is that when in Format 6, changing the year or month directly will normally change the displayed week to that in which the selected month starts - except if that happens to be the current year/month, when the actual current week will be first shown. However, if a change in the week value also causes the month to change then the week number will continue to stay in sequence.

Start week on Sunday

This has already been introduced. Its action on the display is immediate and date/day box-fills and/or text colours will shift to retain their correct relative places. The icon will be disabled in Formats 5, 6, 7 and 9.
Note that if the format supports the use of Week numbers, ticking the Start week on Sunday option icon will automatically untick and disable the Show Week numbers option icon in the Week numbers editing sub-pane - see later also.

Other actions

Below the format-changing radio icons are two related option icons; the Show RLDs and with RLD added text option icons. The former simply switches on/off the display/printing of any Red Letter Days (see later) - and the latter allows any RLD ‘added text’ (also see later) to be switched on/off separately. The latter option icon is disabled if the former option icon is unticked.
Identical pairs of these option icons are also provided in the ‘Edit RLD lists’ window, the ‘Red Letter Days’ editing sub-pane and the ‘Edit permanent RLD list’ window (see later) - and they all stay in sympathy.
The remaining buttons in the Toolpane are the Edit design ..., Save design ..., Edit RLDs ... and Print set-up ... buttons, which are the subject of separate sections later.

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