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User-changeable items
Apart from the start-up Choices, already covered, two further items can be changed by the user:
a) Language. As supplied, !Calibre uses the English Month and Day names but also offers French, German, Spanish and Dutch equivalents. They are all held in separate Messages text files - each called monthsdays - in their respectively named directories/folders within the Defaults.Languages folder. As seen above, this folder can be opened directly from the iconbar menu.
Within each monthdays file there are six lists: the ‘Full’ month names; the ‘Shorter’ month names; the ‘Shortest’ month names; the ‘Full’ day names; the ‘Shorter’ day names; and the ‘Shortest’ day names.
If you wish to use another language - or choices of different texts in the same language - then all you need to do is to add additional directories/folders to the Defaults.Languages folder and create a monthdays file for each in your favourite text editor.
It is essntial to follow the format of the file closely and only customise the text after the colons “:” in each entry. For this reason it is much safer to copy one of the supplied files and alter that to your wishes. Clearly, you can also edit any of the supplied files in the same way if you wish.
In English, as supplied, the parts of the monthdays file corresponding to ‘Shorter’ and ‘Shortest’ use the normal 3-letter and 1-letter abbreviations e.g. “Feb”, “Tue”, “F”, “T” etc. but the user can make his/her own choices here. The abbreviated text can be any length and both ‘Shorter’ and ‘Shortest’ could be exactly the same if preferred.
b) Interactive help text. As supplied, interactive help is in English and the text is in the file Defaults.InterHelp.HelpMess. Provided that the provided strict Messages file format is maintained, this file could be translated into other languages.
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