
RISC World

Wakefield 2008

A special set of exclusive photos from last years show...

Last year, at the Wakefield 2008 show, I took a number of photographs. These are intended to be part of the WROCC 25th year celebration. This must make WROCC one of the longest running computer clubs in the country.

Included with this issue of Foundation RISCWorld you will find a set of 80 images, at a maximum resolution of 600 x 600 pixels. I have also produced a rolling slideshow designed to be run on Windows machines. This is also included in the Wake2008 directory that can be found inside the Software directory on the root of this Foundation RISCWorld CD along with the photos themselves. All the photos are in JPEG format can be viewed on any modern RISC OS machine.

Auto-slideshow application

The WROCC_Show_2008.exe program is an executable application for use on PCs running either Windows XP or Windows Vista. It's designed so that any PC owning friends can see what they have been missing out on. Hopefully this will widen interest in a RISCOS event across another computer platform. The filesize is 21 Mbyte.

To run the slideshow simply double-click on the Show 2008 icon. The slideshow then runs automatically for 11 minutes. Once it has finished it will automatically return to the Windows Desktop. It does not install anything on your machine or alter the Windows Registry. Pressing ESC at any time will Quit and return to Desktop. The slideshow sequence is complete with titling, rolling end-credits plus transitions, zoom and also pan effects.

Additionally, if you wish to view images at either a slower or faster rate, either forwards or backwards, then simply press the Pause key and use the left and right cursor keys to move throw the photographs at your own speed. The special effects, eg. transitions, are cancelled during manual operation. Pressing Pause again will cancel this manual control and return to the automatic slideshow.

The slideshow images are designed for a full screen display that can support a resolution of 1024x768 pixels. So users will need to have a machine that support this resolution or better to use the slideshow.

The photographs

As I said earlier there is a copy of all these photographs on the CD, but I thought I would show you a few examples in this little article:

Spot the Foundation RISCWorld editor.

And here's the ever cheerful publisher.

The "Spot the Looney" even was very popular.

The ARM Club have a pre-closure clearout.

Dr Wimp will see you now.

Last minute preparations on the M W Software stand.

Archive editors old and new.

The sadly missed Paul Vigay with Louie Smith.

Scowling at it won't help.

Why use ordinary detergent...

When I nod my head...


My thanks go to the Wakefield RISCOS Computer Club (WROCC), the Show Exhibitors and also to the people appearing in the photographs. The success of ay RISCOS Show is not just about hardware or new products. It is as much about the people behind them and the valuable support they give to the RISC OS community.

In 2008 the Wakefield RISCOS Computer Club celebrated its 25th anniversary from its BBC micro start. The WROCC Show 2008 was voted Best Show of the Year 2008 by the readers of

All images and the auto slideshow compilation are copyright (c)2008 Colin Sutton.

Colin Sutton
